Repair Sharks

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

iOS 8 Issues for iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, and 5c models?

The calls have been coming in. IOS 8 issues already. Some users have now experienced the newest Apple IOS update. We sat through an update on a phone and the result was very interesting. For one the overall experience seemed to be more difficult to use for models that have preceded the latest addition to the iPhone family, the long awaited iPhone 6.

Users are reporting failed updates for iPads and in some cases iPhones. On other notes the update is a space hog. You are looking at 4.7+ GB of space needed for and OTA update.  This will almost certainly be an issue for any 8GB phone looking to update. You will also most likely not want to update if you have an iPhone 4 / 4s. Apparently the update will be overbearing for the hardware within the 4 or 4s lines. Expect a heavy downgrade in usability if attempting this upgrade. Users of the 4 and 4s may want to stick to iOS 7. Given my experiences repairing these phones since the first 2G was released this looks to be in line with Apple's planned obsolescence of the previous models with new updates to their iOS. The new software is built for the newest hardware, it only makes sense that phones that are two generations previous will suffer trying to run on an accelerated platform such as iOS 8.

Some users also have complained about the Whatsapp looking group messaging feature now incorporated. Gives you more control over group messages however some people don't want that, lol.  Another new feature is the QuickType which has already been dubbed an annoyance by a few people I spoke with.

A good point about the new software is that photo editing seems to have taken a positive turn. I suggest holding off on upgrading most models until the software has been proven to work cleanly on some test devices. Keep in mind that iPad's are also subject to the same issues. Some iPad users have reported having restore and update issues trying to move to 8. All in all most phones will benefit from the update when the kinks are finally worked out.

If you need assistance with any iPhone the Repair Sharks have more than 9 years of experience repairing iDevices. We have repaired tens of thousands of iPods, iPhones, iPads, and Android smartphones. We are also the gaming console repair leaders with quality repairs for almost any type of gaming console on the market. Visit for more information.